

It is normal for life to have its ups and downs. As human beings, we face a series of tests and obstacles every day that we must overcome and learn from them, sometimes perhaps we do not get out of a situation so gracefully and we tend to feel crestfallen or defeated, however, in these moments we must bring out the best in ourselves and stand up stronger than before in order to overcome these obstacles. This capacity that each person has through their abilities, skills, intelligence, and perseverance is called personal growth. In these times that we are living, the term self-growth is heard much more frequently, but do we know what it is about? It is simply the evolution and the way in which a person is transformed through the new knowledge they acquire, skills, tools, ways of thinking, and habits, to put it simply, everything positive that drives their personal growth and that will allow them to achieve goals with all the potential acquired. Each person is valuable with their virtues and defects, surely in y