Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Paleo Quick Tip of the Day #125 WHERE to live is a Paleo Decision!



This may sound kind of strange, but truly- WHERE you live is crucially important! To your health, to your psyche, and to the health and wellness of your entire family. It really is that important. Nowadays, if you live in a big city, you are virtually guaranteed that your air is polluted, you are unsafe from criminal predators, and you are isolated from the fields and forests, the prairies and savannas that we are evolved to live within. You are instantly non-paleo! You might fix your diet, many big city folks do, eating lots of leafy greens, full fat pastured dairy and meats, real oils made from coconut and olive and no horrid vegetable oils like canola or soy… You might work out ata-out curtains that eliminate the constant artificial light that disturbs your circadian rhythms… Congratulations! You are doing as well as you can, within that unnatural, unpaleo environment! But, it’s a “good-better-best” scenario- you are merely “good”. You are still subject to a terrible crime epidemic that has taken over our