Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Build your Health and Avoid the Pandemic



With all the scare tactics circulated by the mainstream media, you would think that the coronavirus from China was the new Black Death!  It’s not, not even close.  Young children can catch it, but they barely get sick.  It can kill older people, but here is a secret:  unless you are already sick, sick as most Americans are with diabesity and all the attendant ills that come along with it- it is a very small threat to you as well!  In other words, if you are someone who is a paleo person, someone with a good diet (no processed foods, no grains, limited carbs and sugars, regular exercise and good sleep)- you are really at very little risk, despite your age.I am 68.   I am very healthy, and exercise with Perfectly Paleo Exercise methods daily.  My diet is excellent, and I have a vital family and tribe that I connect and deal with daily, both in my rural neighborhood and via my family through telephone, text, and frequent visits.  I did have my church community, but the liberal government of my state and the coun