Caregiving For Dementia

Dementia Episode # 16



  Dementia Episode# 16   The bought me a father day gift The Republican shooting the ball field ways to let steam off without using a handgun not in the podcast but here’s a link to learn how to podcast reference to the game call of duty diseases are taking enough of our people good news of the Republican shooting at the ball field not affected mom and all not getting things out of shooting a bunch of people except being killed yourself not all the people at the ball field being adults the older I get the more I care about things like this being unable to talk to mom and getting a straight answer trying to get mom interested things not understanding people going out in public shooting a bunch of people Mama raising us kids dementia is affected mom’s family so it may not look good for a couple of us kids forgetting some things myself this statement talking to yourself you’re okay it’s when you answer yourself you have problems being frustrated the elected presiden