Caregiving For Dementia




Caregiving for Dementia Episode 34 Interruptions This week on caregiving: I want to talk to you a little bit about things that don’t get done. When, you take care of someone no matter what the reason. There’s, always things that need to be done that don’t always get done. Like housework! Whether that, be the dishes , the beds made, laundry, or any other need to do housework. Now, when mom was in good health, she would clean the house and work. Mama worked up until oh, I guess, 1997 and even when Mama worked, and was steel able keep the house clean. Now it wasn’t spotless, but it was clean. Now that Mama is not as well, Stephanie is working all day long. I mean she doesn’t come home until evening because of transportation. Michael is working 8 to 10 hours a day. So that only leaves mom and I hear in the house, and the dog. So there are things, that yes need to be done, but if I try starting to do something, whether that be the dishes, laundry or sweeping the floor or whatever. 9 times out of 10 Mama needs some