Caregiving For Dementia

Mental Illness



Caregiving for Dementia Mental illness Episode #56 There’s not a whole lot of show notes for this one. This entire episode has been on the most severe form of mental illness. You ask what the most severe form of mental illness? Well, the most severe form of mental illness is suicide. Family has not only been hit by mental illness, but it has also been hit by the most severe form of menta l illness. In this episode, I talk a good deal about suicide, my opinion on suicide, my opinion on life. Suicide is wrong. When you have a society that believes that you come from an ape, you have a society that has no accountability for anything, it does. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I’ll say that again, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Suicide doesn’t fix any problem that you may face in life. It’s not a fix for someone not going out with you, it’s not a fix for money problems, Suicide is not a fix. Death comes fast enough on its own you don’t need to rush it along. Even aft