Caregiving For Dementia

Doing The Hard Things



Caregiving for Dementia Doing the Hard Things Episode # 61 In this episode, I discuss a few things that Stephanie and I are having a real hard time doing. The older you get more hard things there are for you to do. When you’re in school homework is hard and the higher you get in school, the harder the homework becomes. Will this week’s episode of care giving for dementia, I talk about things here in the house that are really hard for Stephanie and I to do. When I talk about things that are hard to do. I’m talking about raise your kids the right way. It’s harder to turn them loose when they become young adults. Stephanie and I find it very hard to turn loose of the boy in fact, there are times when we telling he still can’t do something, and he’s like daddy. I’ve seen movies and I’m sure that you gone through a in your life to where someone has passed away, and there spouse doesn’t want to go through their things. They don’t want to go through their things because it’s too hard. Well, I’ve had just a little ta