Caregiving For Dementia

Being Forced to Stay Gone



Caregiving for Dementia Being Forced to Stay Gone! Episode # 63     I just got back from DC pod Fest. I had to force myself to stay away from the house because I was mentally still here, still taking care of Mama. I found it very difficult to focus on the sessions at DC pod Fest because I couldn’t get my mind to let go of the caregiving. I want to thank Jennifer Crawford and her team at DC pod Fest for putting together a great event. The event was fabulously put together. The event was jam-packed full of great podcasting information. I’m already looking forward to DC pod Fest in 2019. With that said, though I found it very difficult to focus on any of the sessions that I was attending because I couldn’t get my mind off of what was going on here at the house. I was still caregiving for my mother even though I was physically gone. My mind would not leave the house. One of the problems that the main caregiver for someone has is getting away from all the caregiving. In other words, you may get physically away. Yo