Caregiving For Dementia

I'm a Baby



I’m a Baby Episode # 66 In this episode, I talk about babies. Were only a few days away from Christmas? And a lot of people are talking about the baby Jesus. Now I don’t know whether it’s all the talk of Christmas here to house, or if Mama honestly thinks she is a baby because of her dementia. This week here in the house, Mama has called herself a baby. You may find yourself in your 50s thinking about whether or not you want to have another child. I would suggest to you, though. Before you take that step move your elderly parents in, especially if they have a physical or mental problem to where they need help 24 7 365. You see, you may find yourself in a position that stuff and I’ve found ourselves in where was a baby, you can do what you want when you want, how you want, but when you’re taking care of an adult. It’s not that easy. You find yourself without time to explain to them what, why and how you doing things. From time to time you may wish you were of a certain age, but you want to go back to that age.