Caregiving For Dementia

Things that may help in your caregiving



In this episode, episode # 74 I’m a little bit all over the place with some things that I found on Facebook. I had joined some caregiving for dementia and Alzheimer’s support groups on Facebook. With being in those support groups, I have been able to come up with some really good content. One of those things that I’ve seen in these groups is someone had asked a question, If the medication that they were giving their loved one would help? With dealing with dementia for or the past 6, 7, 8 years, I can honestly say that the medication does not seem to help a whole lot other than the fact of making the one that you giving the medicine to sleep all day long. I would rather have mom awake a little bit and have a little bit of a hard time, then I would to have Mama sleep and be a zombie all the time. I also saw someone talking in the group about putting their what I believe their mother in a home. they were talking about their mothers dog having arthritis, and something about whether or not to let their mot