Caregiving For Dementia

72 Hour Conversation



Caregiving for Dementia 72 Hour Conversation Episode # 85 When Mama 1st got this dementia the doctor give her a lot of medication to take. A lot of it made Mama sleep. It made Mama pretty much a zombie. So I took half of it away from her. When I took half of the medication away from Mama, Mama woke up. Mama could function a little bit Mama was awake a little bit. Everything was fine. Although Mama still slept a good bit, until Mama broke her hip. When Mama broke her hip, I had asked the doctor for some help take care of her, so the insurance set out 4 or 5 different people to work with Mama couple nurses, a physical therapist, and an aide, and I don’t know who all else. The 1st person to come out, turned out to be a nurse and the 1st thing that she did was go through mamas medication. She found out that they all cause drowsiness. She even said that some of them were interacting with the others. So she took 3 or 4 more pills away from mom on top of everything that I took away. In 72 hours. I’ve had more conver