Beyond Burning Fat Podcast | Nutrition | Fitness | Mindset

Episode 44: Are You Using This Easy, Cheap, At-Home Test?



Wouldn't it be cool if there was a test you could do at home, as often as you like, and it was super cost-effective AND gave you valuable information . . . like where you might be on the diabetes scale (pre-diabetic, diabetic, or not-at-risk)? Or, some insights into your insulin resistance? Or, when you're actually optimal for burning fat - or how often you're optimal for burning fat? Or, what amount of carbohydrates are perfect for you, given where you are currently? If that's not enough, what about insights into how "off" or "on" your circadian rhythm is? Well, there IS such a tool, and it's a MUST for anybody serious about taking their health and physique into their own hands. Join us for the discussion . . . and here's a hint, if you listen a few minutes in and think it doesn't apply to you . . . think again. Keep listening and I bet there just might be something you can put in your toolbox to help you reach your physical and mental best.  Thank you SO much for checking out this episode of the BBF Podcast