Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

This Quarantine Is Starting to Get to Us



Sorry for the late-releasing episodes! We're still trying to adjust our schedules for our own client work, as well as this podcast. We're both adapting to our quarantines and it's a stressful time, for sure. John is a bit hungover on today's episode and has recently shaved his head. And Emily is dealing with a sick spouse (not COVID, thankfully) but it's still stressful on top of everything else. We talk a lot about our current situations, which as you may know if you’re listening to this around the time it comes out, is related to the COVID-19 crisis. It’s important to mention, as we do every episode, we are not doctors. Please refer to the CDC website guidelines for information or any questions you may have. New to Hate to Weight? Make sure you’re subscribed so you’ll never miss an episode and so you can listen to all the back episodes! Don’t forget, you can talk to us and other Weighters while we record by going to the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook. We record every Thursday at 11 a.m.! Call i