Dance To Death Afterlife

"Lessons from the Dying" with Dr. Karen Wyatt, MD, Part 1 of 2



You know those experiences you have that just make you happy remembering them, like a great birthday party or a fabulous meal with friends...when your heart, soul and body get that deeply satisfied, good feeling? Well that’s how I would describe my time with Dr. Karen Wyatt, MD...hospice caregiver and a diamond mine of wisdom on how to live abundantly. Author of “What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying,” Karen is a family physician who invested her 25 year medical career working with patients in challenging settings, such as hospices, nursing homes and indigent clinics. She is the founder of a free medical clinic in a homeless shelter and of  Creative Healing LLC ~ an initiative to integrate spirituality into traditional medical practice. In addition to being a prolific author, Karen has testified twice at Senate briefings on cutting edge models of integrated medical care. Karen’s beautiful, compassionate heart really shines out brilliantly in this interview, which I have