Dance To Death Afterlife

"How to Find Your Path to Bliss...Abroad" with Beverly Nelson, Ph.D. and Michael Lee Bartlett, Part 1 of 2



Welcome to the first show of 2019, and what an inspiring one it is. I know you are going to really like it, because it has one of those too good to be true stories behind it, which I’ll tell in a moment. But first let me provide some context.   Those of you who have been following me for a while know I am a fan of the American author and Professor of Literature Joseph Campbell, who became famous for his work on the role of myth in literature, religion and ultimately, in all of human experience. You’ll find me quoting Campbell in my “Why?” Video from a few years ago, and in a recent talk I gave on my own spiritual journey. Links to both of those videos are in the show notes.   Joe Campbell didn’t really become truly famous until he was well into his sunset years, his 70’s and 80’s in fact, which is an inspiration for me as a tender 62 year old. For decades Campbell quietly taught and wrote books like the “Hero with a Thousand Faces,” gathering a small but impressive group of fans, including George Lucas, Jerry