Dance To Death Afterlife

"The Green New Deal (with a Touch of Gray)" with Mick Smyer, PhD, Founder of The Graying Green Project



I have a real treat for you guys today, for all sorts of reasons, not the least of which is that at the end of this interview, I am going to drop a bomb. But first, let me introduce my next guest, who I discovered while perusing a copy of USA Today while waiting to catch a plane from Brazil to Mexico. I was traveling to record videos for my new Go!Mobile Youtube channel, which is for people who want to travel in an environmentally sensitive way, sometimes referred to as eco-tourism. You’ll find a link to those videos in the show notes.   What caught my eye in this issue of the newspaper was an op/ed entitled, "Kids, it's time to give your parents 'the talk.' Not that one, the one on climate change.” “Wow!” I thought. This op/ed contains two issues I am really passionate about: intergenerational communication, and the environment. The author, and my guest today, advocated opening channels of communication between generations on the controversial topic of climate change by keeping the discussion short, social,