Dance To Death Afterlife

“Moving On Up by Moving On Down” with Rita Wilkins the “Downsizing Designer,” Part 2 of 2



In Part One of my interview with Rita Wilkins, the “Downsizing Designer,” we learned how a trip to Africa shook up Rita’s world and led her to a new lifestyle paradigm, one where she shed 95% of her stuff in exchange for more time, money, and freedom in a much smaller apartment in Philadelphia. We talked a fair bit about how such shake-ups can come at a cost to relationships, and that’s where we pick up in this Part Two of our talk. But in keeping with my penchant for random thought, Rita and I go from there to a freewheeling conversation about stuff, how a bunt cake pan and 40 foot aluminum ladder can lead to communism, the story of the 16 pairs of scissors, and how the shared economy resulted from a mindset shift our children learned from observing Boomer unhappiness with materialism. Oh, and be sure to stay to the end when Rita and I kick around the idea of a dating website just for people who have moved past that unhappiness and into a “less stuff, more fun” mindset. So please join me for Part Two of my t