

In colonial America, Taverns were the de facto courtroom, post office, library, news center, town hall, community center and sometimes: church.  Sometimes even jail!  Taverns were the birthplace of the Revolution and Independence. As the USA matured, bars and Taverns were still essential to our society.  Even prohibition couldn’t get rid of them as the Speakeasy came into existence.  This week on the Bartender Journey Podcast, we speak with author Christine Sismondo about her book: America Walks Into a Bar - A Spirited History of Taverns and Saloons, Speakeasies and Grog Shops. We talk about a Rockstar Bartender who pre-dated Professor Jerry Thomas.  Plus, the evolution of “bar etiquette”.  It’s the history of bars from Colonial times all the way up to the modern “cocktail movement”. Listen with the player below or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher Radio.  Cheers! Bartender Journey Web Site