

Oh Lime, How Do I Squeeze You? Freshly squeezed lime juice is one of the most important ingredients in a good Bartender’s arsenal. Pre-packed bottled stuff is no comparison. But HOW is the juice being produced? A Motorized Commercial Bar Juicer is certainly faster, more efficient and produces a higher yield than a hand press, but is the resulting juice the same? It's the Bartender Journey Podcast No. 214!  Listen with the audio player on this page, or subscribe on iTunes, Android or Stitcher Radio. Our guest on the show today is David Eden-Sangwell of the Bartender HQ Podcast. We’ll discuss the results of the lime juice experiment, plus the issue of sustainability and waste in bars. Lime Juice Experiment: I was curious about the effects of using different types of juicers on the finished juice. I had no idea just how dramatic the results would be. In the Bartending Community we often talk about how the white pith of citrus is bitter, and should be avoided. With the rotating cone of the Motorized Juice