Bartender Journey - Cocktails. Spirits. Bartending Culture. Libations For Your Ears.

Fruit Flies and Other Unpleasantries in the Bar



Don't let those darn Fruit Flies take over you bar!  Give them an inch and they will take a mile!  There is a lot you can do to prevent them from flourishing.  Here's some things you can do: No standing water, anywhere! All drains including floor - sanitizer Plug beer taps Clean and plug beer drip tray Rinse and store empty beer bottles Cover liquor bottles Wipe down bottles Clean soda gun Bar mats must be clean Keep garnishes covered and cold.  Wash fruit before cutting. Don’t be surprised if fruit flies feed on the residue remaining on damp mops, moist cleaning rags and sponges, or near buckets of wastewater. Bottom of trash cans? Last resort - traps