The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic And Natural Law

Divine Creative Energy (Shakti) & Accessing Mother Divine (Devi) | Yashoda Devi Ma {Podcast #046}



Mother Divine (Devi) - the creative aspect of the Absolute field of Pure Unbounded ConsciousnessCreative feminine energy contains the mechanisms that make the unmanifest manifest.That which is responsible for all that which is continuously being created.The sacred feminine is the source of creation.IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSSMother Divine (Devi)"Navaratri" - The nine nights of mother divine."The rising of the feminine" and what that actually means.Siva/Shakti Energy - the interplay of masculine and feminine.Durga (courageously removing irrelevant impurities from ones life).Laksmi (abundance, high value of all areas of life, expression of love).Saraswati (pure knowledge)Ways you can invoke Mother Divine yourself.Japa - a practice to refine our contemplative thinking spectrum and enhance specific fields of awareness/consciousness.+ more.ABOUT YASHODA DEVI MAYashoda Devi Ma is a Vedic Meditation teacher with a passion for helping students reduce stress, cultivate a clear mind and live from the