Dm Lawrence, The Humanitarian Afro-rights Activist

Global African Dehumanization/They Don't Care About Us



The Black Equalist (TBE) is another compilation of speeches and essays about human rights (or Afro rights) which are not protected for African descendants. TBE is a mixtape/audiobook/podcast about international social, economic, and political issues in America. The purpose of this project is to introduce my Pan-African philosophy of "Black Equalism", which focuses on the fact that despite our social, economic, and political status - all people are equal. Moreover, "B/black", "white", and race are not real but social constructions created to compel people to dislike "Black/black" (non-white) people. All in all, I attack the dividers of people and social constructs and systems/practices (colorism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, poverty, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, region/geography), that are created to hold people back and maintain the status quo.