Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Easy Paleo



The more I read and research about staying healthy in this our modern era, the simpler it becomes to me. There is really only one thing you need to do nutritionally to avoid degenerative diseases… Strictly limit your refined carbs and sugars! That’s it, I’m not kidding! The high blood glucose almost all Americans now live with, and the resultant spikes in insulin, over and over for years and years- well, that puts you into insulin resistance. This state is the fount of all our ills- it results eventually in metabolic syndrome, which makes our bodies prone to obesity, or more correctly diabesity, which has become the modern day plague upon the world. And diabesity will push you into all the autoimmune diseases you can think of- of course diabetes, but also arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, IBS, diverticulitis, chrome’s disease- really, the list goes on and on. And no sense just listing horrible diseases that you can easily avoid, just by limiting refined carbs and sugars! Of course, to effectively limit tho