Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Be Your Own Batman on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast



I know- this sounds like an extremely unlikely focus for a paleo podcast: you know, eating and living in accordance with our genetic programming, living ancestrally in the manner (as much as possible) in which we evolved.  But bear with me…Aside from eating ancestrally (no grains, or at least very little and properly prepared ones like with sour dough ala Weston A. Price), adequate pastured meats, eggs, and dairy along with plenty of vegetables and some fruits like berries or citrus, and sweetening with raw honey and maple syrup- we also need to live according to ancestral principals.  Ancient, paleolithic peoples lived in tribes.  Such a grouping of people is the healthiest, most natural way for humans to not only survive, but to thrive!  We always focus on the survival, and mostly the health related bits of the paleo lifestyle.  Like, what can we do to maximize our healthiness and fitness- Perfectly Paleo Exercise, utilizing things like virtual resistance, stretching, walking and running barefoot, and livin