Burning Bush Podcast

Cannabis as a PED | Episode 35



Casey and Tyler, after #BubbleGumKush with #DrWho kief, talk about using cannabis before, during and after athletic events, and if cannabis should be considered a PED. They talk about: Should cannabis be labeled a PED? (4:17), Thoughts on training with cannabis (4:40), The 420 Games (14:56), What would happen if I passed out while running full speed? (23:35), Fear as an energy alternator (26:48), Running the mile (28:40), Can cannabis enhance senses? (30:20), Cannabis and recovery (32:02), Are stoners lazy? (36:17). Mentions: #anxiety #barbells #cannabis #cannabisathlete #crosscountry @echoelectuary #halloween @lunchbox_alchemy  #mustache #podcast #psychmeds #PTSD #running #squibs @siskiyou_sungrown #weightlifting #squats @the_420_games Burning Bush is an independent podcast about truth in cannabis by writers Casey (Portland, OR) and Tyler Hurst (Phoenix, AZ). Each weekly-ish episode starts with a sampling of Oregon cannabis, then moves to an industry-related conversation.