Andrea Dupuy Podcast

You are more than your THOUGHTS



Gosh!!! Today's episode is all about me sharing my inner struggles, and how I'm making conscious choices each day to face it head-on, stopping the inner critic voice and keep walking forward to becoming my the best version of myself! I hope this episode will resonate with you, empowering you to not give up, to continue facing your challenges and live the life of your dreams. I would love to hear your thoughts!!!! Let's connect! Website: Instagram: @andreakawanodupuy_ Facebook: Andrea Kawano Dupuy Please leave me a review and leave a comment letting me know what do you think and what do you want to hear more from me. It means the world to me! Are you ready to change your life and your relationship with your body, learn the tools that helped me to go from a binge eater to 3x Overall Champion? Email me for a Discovery call: Much love, Andrea