Tome Travelers

Credits Page: Ben Sandfelder's Lightning War



In a distant fantasy world, an ancient evil bides its time sewing discord and chaos and twisting the souls of men. Welcome to Lightning War, a new fantasy game set in a World War I parallel where heroic squads with machine guns and magic face a modern, cunning enemy! Host: John Thompson Guest: Ben Sandfelder Check out Lightning War now on Kickstarter! Find Ben at Games Ink and on Twitter, @BenSandfelder! PassionerdlyPassionerdly on FacebookTwitter: @passionerdlypds, @passionerdly, @roowerks Instagram: @passionerdlypds, @passionerdly, @roowerksCheck out our Patreon for bonus content and swag! Support the show by wearing our shirts from TeePublic! Proud part of the Nerd's Domain Nerd's Domain on Facebook Nerd's Domain on Twitter Nerd's Domain on TeePublic and the Southgate Media Group!