Horizontal With Lila

108. listening about race: horizontalism with lila



In this episode, I lie down with myself. I share: *  the WOC Podcasters solidarity statement *  my personal commitment to ongoing anti-racist action *  the names of a few of the many Black lives lost to police brutality, and: *  the story of that time I didn't talk about race (for 11 years) and how that is a textbook example of white fragility and privilege *** I stand with my sisters from the WOC Podcasters Community, lead by Danielle Desir and crafted by change-maker Tangia Renee [TAN-gee]. These are Tangee’s words. These are our words: We are podcasters united to condemn the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many many others at the hands of police. This is a continuation of the systemic racism pervasive in our country since its inception and we are committed to standing against racism in all its forms. We believe that to be silent is to be complicit. We believe that Black lives matter. We believe that Black lives are more important than property. We believe that we have a responsibility