An Interview With Melissa Llarena

48. Michelle Florendo, Decision Engineer, Talks About Decision-Making, Good vs. Bad Decisions, and Identifying Your Desired Outcome



It’s not every day I get to ask a decision engineer a question. This week, Michelle Florendo joins me on the podcast. She is an executive coach who helps people untangle messy decisions in life and work. You are going to enjoy this conversation if you’ve ever found yourself in a position in making a messy decision. Michelle shares her step-by-step process for making decisions and also helps us untangle the difference between good vs. bad decisions and the desired outcomes.    After studying decision engineering at Stanford University, she spent the past 15 years helping hundreds of professionals use the principles of decision engineering to make decisions with less stress and more clarity. She has led workshops on decision making for both domestic and international audiences, guest-taught on decision making in Stanford's famous Designing Your Life course, been a repeat workshop lead at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business' Women in Leadership Conference, and currently hosts the podcast Ask A Decision Enginee