Get Your Chit Together

Soul Flow Mini-Podcast: Ancestral Healing



Peace and Blessings Bright & Luminous Ones, This week I wanted to share a bit more around the Ancestral Healing work I'm practicing & how it has been a potent invitation to expand the definition of the "village" that supports each of us. This work has been a powerful teacher in helping me to develop a framework for relating with the unseen and unknown powerful forces that support my life-- it has also guided me home to some of the West African Spiritual traditions and practices of my ancestors. If you hold the desire to connect with the unseen and unknown ancestors and powers that support your life reach out for sessions and stay tuned for my free Ancestral Healing intro talk(TBA). Be sure to sign up for my newsletter for more details on the free upcoming talk. For those seeking an in-person opportunity to explore this work in a safe ritual container, I will be supporting a 3 day intensive in Decatur, Ga.- - sign up details are here: