Health Currents Radio

40 The Power of Your Voice



Would you like to feel more energized, empowered, and confident but you don’t know where to start? Did you know how connected our voice is to that potential? Naaz Hosseini, speaks with Ellen today about the voice and leadership. Naaz Hosseini is the author of the e-book Speak from the Heart, creator and owner of Powerful Presence. She works with entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and women to step into their vocal power to build confidence, enhance communication and leadership potential.Naaz Hosseini Listen in as we learn about how the power of your voice, how it can inspire you, your audience, and your potential. The sound clip at the beginning and end of this interview is “Night Breeze Caravan”, composed and performed by Naaz Hosseini on her original CD, “SoundPath“, available at