Weight Loss Nation

Achieve Your Goals by Resisting Fear With Courage



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com How many times has "Fear" prevented you from doing something?  Fear comes in many forms. Procrastination is one form. I know....   I've "procrastinated" doing something MANY times in my life! Depression is another form of Fear. Hiding from your emotions or feelings.....because they make you feel sad, overwhelmed, anxious is another form of Fear. How do you get rid of Fear?  One way..... is "Focusing" on your Goals. One of my favorite sayings is ........ "The only obstacles you will see..... is when you take your eyes off of your goals." Think of a time in your life when you achieved a goal. How did you complete it? One reason is that you "focused" on that goal and you didn't allow "distractions" to come between you and your goal. FOCUS is extremely important when you set out to achieve your goals. Any kind of distraction.... social media, phone calls etc. will keep you away from working on your goal. Soon.....those distractions add up and your goal seems imp