Weight Loss Nation

How About Some Chocolate Mousse For Dessert Tonight



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com     Host -  Diane Daniels   Aquafaba Chocolate Mousse Ingredients 6 ounces dark chocolate dairy-free (Taza Wicked 95% Dark Choc 2 Bars) You can use whatever brand of Dark Chocolate you want. Make sure the chocolate has 80% of Cacao in it.  I use Taza “Wicked Dark” Chocolate bar. Taza has one of the least processed Dark Chocolate in the friggin world. With the “Wicked Dark,” containing 95% Dark Chocolate, SWEET is NO longer in the equation. We’re talking HEALTHY HERE! Go to www.tazachocolate.com to purchase “Wicked Dark” Chocolate Bars. Dark chocolate gives you a variety of antioxidants including POLYPHENOLS!! Antioxidants help prevent damage in your body caused by oxidative stress and harmful free radicals. That means Dark Chocolate with 80% or more cacao….is part of our PAC MAN Family!!   1 15 oz can unsalted chickpeas BPA-free. BPA is that crap in the lining of cans that can get into your system. Causing toxicity and whatever. ¼ tsp cream of tartar 1 tsp