Beyond Birth

Ep. 105 Creating Space Away from the Noise with Liz & Sharon



The to-do lists, the social media scrolling, the news feeds - our minds are constantly inundated with thoughts, images, and information. All to sift through and process day after day. It's no wonder the mental load feels so heavy to bear at times. Today’s episode is about remembering to take the time to step away from the noise. To find the space to turn it all off, and just be. Liz and Sharon discuss: The moments they recognized they needed to create "white space" for themselves.  How learning to step away and be present in the moment has helped them personally and creatively. The importance of creating transitions in our life - from work to home and vice versa. Sharon's personal experience with stepping away from social media for the past 7 weeks.  We hope you all take the time to step away this week - even if just for a moment. Give yourself permission to unwind, turn your brain off for a while, and create little pockets of peace throughout your day and your life. When we step away from t