Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Crucial Exercise You Ignore on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe



You should address each and every part of your body on a daily, or at least near-daily basis!  For me, each day when I arise, I go through a brief limbering session right away, in the bathroom before going downstairs- rotating all of my joints, and gradually awakening with deep breathing and simple mobility movements.  (I hesitate to call them ‘exercises’, since they are simple, easy, and enjoyable, taking a maximum of 2-3 minutes total).Next, downstairs, I brew my coffee, feed the cats, and go into my workout area.  (The Living Room!)  I start the TV, and my workout at the same time, only pausing to sip my organic brew…  it is the very best, most satisfying part of my day!  It not only grounds me, it gradually energizes me in that early morning hour or so that I devote to both myself, my sanity, and my overall health.You can either look up exercise at, or get my book Perfectly Paleo Exercise to understand everything that I do.  Or email me: I’ll be glad to let you know what to do- it is my m