Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Paleo Smoothie State of the Art



OK.  Smoothies get a bad rap from paleo circles; always have.  Undeservedly, at least for the most part.  Carnivore is cool, and I will admit it has a place, as does Keto.  Both, in my mind, have a therapeutic use, meaning that in certain conditions and with certain autoimmune problems, they might be the perfect fit.But, for a lifelong diet- no.  You want a diet heavy in plants, loaded with micronutrients, and above all- ancestral.  The easiest way to to that nowadays, with our depleted soils and nutrient lessened standard vegetables, is with a smoothie.  A drink made in a high speed blender (Vitamin is still the very best), where the nutrients within are thoroughly blended (chewed) by the machine to gain the maximum nutrient value from each stalk and leaf.  To me, this is so obvious as to not even be arguable!For many years, I have followed the paleo or ancestral diet by this method- it seemed to me initially, upon reading about the paleo diet, that this would be the ideal way to achieve it in the modern wor