Beyond Birth

Ep. 103 Redistributing the Mental Load in Relationships



Do you often find yourself going through a list in your mind of all the things that need to be taken care of in your household? For instance,  scheduling doctor appointments, buying more laundry detergent before it runs out or making sure the bills are paid on time? If you answered yes - you may be carrying a majority (or what can feel like all) of the mental load in your household. It’s the constant remembering of everything that can take its invisible toll, usually on one partner in a relationship more so than the other. In today’s episode, Liz and Sharon discuss that often unfair division of mental labor that can happen in a household. They discuss: Defining the mental load - Hint: it’s about more than divvying up the chore list The mental loads they’ve each carried within their own households Helpful tips to work on redistributing the mental load in your own relationships Resources to help you better communicate with your partner in an compassionate, yet effective manner. If you’ve found your