Beyond Birth

Ep. 96 When You Don’t Have the Hormones to Give Any Fucks



At what age do you stop being relevant?  Is it when you're 35? Or 45 maybe? According to society's standards, being "relevant" is something bestowed upon the youth - falling away from each of us little by little each passing year.  But what does it mean to be relevant to society anyways? Who is setting these standards, and the biggest question of all - why are we listening to them?  In today's episode, Liz and Sharon discuss aging - the transitions that we go through in life, particularly into our elder years, how these transitions can sometimes make us feel less worthy in the eyes of society (we can also feel this as we transition from "maiden to mother"), and why shifting our perspective is all we need to realize that society has it all wrong.  We have to remember that giving into the pressure to grasp onto our youth for as long as possible ultimately only makes us unprepared for the inevitability of the years that come after.  Also mentioned in this episode:  The pressure of