Beyond Birth

Ep. 92 The Ripple Effect with Elana Jadallah



For far too long now, humans have had a real and negative impact on the environment- the severity of which we are bearing witness to through examples such as climate change, contamination of our oceans with plastics, and soil erosion. The good news is, there is something we can do to help. In today’s episode, Sharon sits down with environmental advocate, Elana Jadallah, as they discuss the ways that we can give back to the environment - not just take from it - and the ripple effects our actions can lead to. They discuss such topics as: Sustainable versus regenerative systems and the key difference between the two. How to shift our mindsets away from the mentality that new is good and old is bad- and viewing everything as a resource instead. The simple first steps to take when starting a regenerative lifestyle and how to recognize the impacts we make as individuals as our avenue towards change. So the question is this: What impact do you have and how can that be a more positive one than a negative one? T