Beyond Birth

Ep. 91 Our Tower is Burning



The world can feel heavy. The past year has inflicted a weight so heavy on our collective shoulders that it can feel unbearable at times. While the trauma caused by issues such as Covid and its long-term effects, racism, and the continual mass shootings in our country, is not something that can be healed overnight- it’s always good to remember that we do not have to sit with our feelings in silence. Conversations remind us that the burdens we feel are not ours alone to bear. Today’s episode is a conversation about some of those heavier recent events- along with some lighter topics as well (hello peanut butter and pickle sandwiches)- in which Liz and Sharon discuss their thoughts and even some actionable steps we can all take in the moments when we may feel unsure of what we can do but know have to do something. If you’ve been feeling that extra weight lately- we encourage you to have your own conversations as well with friends, family, a therapist, or a combination of all three. The world is heavy, yes- but t