Sex Talk With Lou

My Heroes and Mentors



This week's Assignment - 1) List Your Heroes. 2) Explain why you are grateful they are in your life. 3) What are the gifts you are giving forward from them? Last week Amy Byer who handles my social media asked me to consider writing out a list of who my heroes are. That had my brain start sorting and shifting on who is a hero and how does one become someone's hero? As I started my list it surprised me what the themes were. Then today one the English speaking world's top motivational speakers Zig Zigler died and for anyone who is a student of motivation and personal development he is a godfather to the field. It had me look at why did I chose particular people. Lord knows here in California we have ALL kinds of motivational speakers and yet I have found many of them do not walk their talk. I'll talk about those that have supported my career and my life's journey.