Sex Talk With Lou

Reparative Therapy is Neither - Dr. Winston Wilde



An article earlier this week about the former poster boy for Reparative Therapy Ex-gay Leader John Paulk reversing his stand on this therapy spurred me to ask my terrific colleague Dr. Winston Wilde to shine a light on Reparative Therapy. Especially in light of a California Bill SB-1172 Sexual Orientation Change efforts. This bill was signed by Gov. Brown September 30, 2012 and point 865.1 specifically states it is not to be administered to anyone under 18. Then the day of this interview Matt Moore referred to as the ex-gay Christian Blogger was exposed to have been on the gay dating site Grindr. Dr. Wilde feels it s important for our professional peers to create a policy statement about this form of therapy. What is it? Does it actually work? What is the science behind it? Are trained professionals doing this? Why wouldn't Michelle Bachmann and her husband talk about their use of it during her Presidential campaign? Winston Wilde - 1999 Doctor of Human Sexuality: Institute for the Advanced Stud