Sex Talk With Lou

Shai Rotem - Surrogate Partner - Did the movie Sessions tell us the truth about Surrogate Partners?



As we approach Memorial Day I was reflecting on the service our military gives this country. I've also coordinated panels on sexuality and disability for the Coalition to Support America's Heroes (CSAH). I've seen how severly injured soldiers injuries impact these service personnel's sex lives, marriages and family relationships. Given how powerful the media's messages are I looked at, "So what recent messages has the film industry delivered about sexuality?", and top on my list to look at was Sessions. Based on Cheryl Cohen Greene's professional surrogate partnership with severely disabled poet Mark O'Brien. Did Sessions get it right? So I asked a colleague and Clinical Sexual Surrogate to give me the insider's view on this powerful and often misinterpreted part of sex therapy. And believe you me I learned plenty myself. Shai Rotem is the founder of The Center for Professional Clinical Surrogate Therapy. He is an experienced certified Surrogate-Partner since 1997. He is also a member, trainer, an