Sex Talk With Lou

Are We Being Drugged Out of Good Sex Lives? Madeleine Castellanos M.D. Psychiatrist



Madeleine Castellanos M.D. Psychiatrist When I had Dr. Castellanos on 3 weeks ago I knew I had to have her back to address the growing impact of medications on people's sex lives. People, we have a real problem of the lack of transparency of drugs impact on your bodies, our ability to fall in love, and this impact wave hasn't even crested yet. #1 Question I ask parents to let them know how crucial this is - " Do you want to have grandchildren?" We are medicating people out of their ability to fall in love, stay in love and know what love is. Here are some topics we'll cover, and I want to start the trend of how to get off them and return their brain and sexual function. That is a very Big Job. Chemical Imbalance. Brain imbalance. My understanding is there is no theory for this and no demonstrated state of chemical imbalance. It is a physician’s way to suggest and urge a person take prescriptions. (Stuart Shipko) According to data obtained from IMS Health, the number