Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

William Buhlman – OBE’s, The Afterlife, and Walking the True Spiritual Path



OBE expert William Buhlman sheds honest light on how to walk your spiritual path https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kIbGHKqPZ0 What does it take to walk the spiritual path? Does it take years and years of book study? Hours and hours of tutelage under the wise elders of mystical and esoteric traditions, or organized religion? In this special conversation with author and out of body expert (OBE) William Buhlman, he insists, it’s none of the above. In fact, he thinks that although the spiritual journey can be lonely at times, unless and until we have the courage of our convictions to toss all of the old belief systems that have held us in a perpetual state of compliance for years, and embrace the individual journey, we will never evolve. Listen to William Buhlman’s insights. And ask yourself the question, “Am I truly on the spiritual path?” Relevant links from this episode: The Monroe Institute Book: Higher Self Now - Accelerating Your Spiritual Evolution (on Audiobook) (in Paperback) by William Buhlman Book: