Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Jimmy Church – Disclosure and the ET-UFO Phenomenon: Is 2019 the Year?



https://youtu.be/DAbF1cJMzpM Fade to Black Host Jimmy Church: "UFO Disclosure? Bring it on!" It was exactly one year ago when the New York Times "disclosed" a story with revelations about a secret UFO program, also known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or AATIP run by the Pentagon. Glowing Auras and 'Black Money': The Pentagon's Mysterious UFO program was the headline that broke - an admission that some felt would certainly be the beginning of what is now known in the UFO community as simply "disclosure." Since that time, tongues have been wagging as to the significance of that ground-breaking article. Was it truly info? Dis-info? Another attempt for our official sources to control the narrative over something that maybe they fully don't understand? And what has happened since that December 2017 day when the story broke? Have we really had any significant kind of disclosure that ET's are real? I spoke briefly with UFO researcher and host of Fade to Black Radio, Jimmy Church who say