Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Nassim Haramein – Consciousness IS Primary!



Physicist Nassim Haramein says his new discoveries support now more than ever that consciousness is the primary ingredient in all of reality. https://youtu.be/Wj2F7O5YmlM Despite the seemingly relentless denial that consciousness is the prime directive that drives us, and maybe the Universe itself, physicist Nassim Haramein, continues to pierce the veil - beneath the surface of perception to show that what most call an epiphenomenon of the brain may actually be the primary driver of reality itself. But how do WE fit into this equation of consciousness? From our connection to each other, to the universe and to the field itself. The human fractal antenna is key to tapping the infinite well of information through the use and understanding of consciousness. In this interview filmed on-location in Los Angeles at the 17th Annual Conscious Life Expo, Nassim shares some of his new discoveries while examining the behavior of the subatomic world, curious aspects of the information field as it relates to space-time and