Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Robert Davis, Ph.D. – Unseen Forces and The “Spiritual Emergency”



Spiritual Emergency stemming from a "Peak Experience" - One scientist says "That's Normal and REAL" https://youtu.be/0uMb0ZJ0nFk They’ve been called ecstatic experiences, mystical experiences, spiritual or kundalini awakenings, whatever you may call them, they are powerful and often change the experiencer in profound ways. For some their own peak experience evokes a sense of exuberance and for others, deep anxiety, also referred to as a "Spiritual Emergency."  For some, it’s a bit of both. According to Dr. Robert Davis, a neuroscientist, researcher AND experiencer himself, more people are having deep spiritual awakenings (and spiritual emergencies) than ever before. Whether triggered by a near death experience, out of body experience or completely out of the blue, the peak experience, which is how Robert Davis refers to it, is a serious and life changing event, and unfortunately our own psychological community has yet to recognize it as a real and valid human experience. In this conversation with Robert, rig