Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Penney Peirce – How to Access the Subconscious Mind – It’s a WHOLE NEW WORLD!



Intuitive empath Penney Peirce says, "Now's the time to gain access to what used to be 'hidden'!" https://youtu.be/V_13aArOhN0 They say that the subconscious is the storehouse of all memory. Our fears, anxieties, childhood traumas, subliminal programming, all find a home in the subterranean repository called the subconscious. But what if we could bring ALL of that information to the surface? What if we have the ability to resurrect that which we don’t want or need anymore and transmute it into something that serves us better? Intuitive empath and author of Leap of Perception Penney Peirce had some fascinating things to say about the matter. When we identify that which we want most, often its opposite will show up in clear view. Are these just the reality gremlins playing tricks on us OR is there something powerful happening that’s readying us to bring in what we desire most? Penny, in her trademark style of clarity, and even poetic tone, helps us navigate these times of moving from an age of confusion to one