Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Penney Peirce – The Pandemic – Crisis or Gift?



Intuitive expert Penney Peirce lays out the case for why this crisis may actually be a gift in disguise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eprjml6CzPI There's no sugar coating this, our current times have been TOUGH STUFF! Lives lost, careers down the drain, life as we know it (possibly) over, but... In the midst of this "madness" there is also magic happening, IF you can see it. Intuitive expert and best-selling author Penney Peirce explains why now is the ultimate choice point for humanity and if we can glean the deeper messages from what's all around us, AND GET IT...we WILL be EXCITED about what the future holds! Her latest post, "How [These Times] Are Speeding Us Toward Transparency", lays out the case. This is NOT woo woo stuff. This is not fluffy, airy fairy stuff! This is real world (new world) “stuff.” And it’s high time we pay attention! What you are about to hear has to do with the metaphysical, (formerly) invisible and VERY real underpinnings of what’s going on right now! Listen up Journeyers -